Top 5 PPC Blogs that Every Marketer Should Read in 2019

Andrella 0

PPC trends are changing at a rapid rate with over 40 percent trying to increase their budget. Undoubtedly, PPC is more important in this digital space than ever to keep abreast with the latest trends.

As a PPC marketer, you must find ways to ensure that clients get the best results. Aim for more exposure and quality traffic to achieve 100% conversions.

If you want to become an expert in PPC, you have to develop the habit of learning new tips, techniques, and strategies from others. The best way to do it is by reading blogs.

Online blogs by PPC experts are knowledgeable and up-to-date.


However, as there are millions of blogs in the digital space, it is only normal to be bewildered. To guide you a step further, here’s a list of the top 5 PPC blogs you should read in 2019.

Blog#1: Inside Google AdWords

Google’s official blog – Inside Google AdWords, is the most powerful and informative blog on the internet.

Google is the source of AdWords and the only place from where you can get updated and relevant information. All such information is shared in the Google AdWords Blog.

PPC is an online advertising technique featured by AdWords. The blog, Inside Google AdWords, focuses on the latest strategies and trends taking place in the digital PPC space.

PPC is not just limited to Google; it also features in search engines Bing and Yahoo and allows marketers to advertise. However, Google is the ultimate name in search marketing.

Because PPC marketing begins with Google, the Inside Google AdWords blog provides all critical information to create profitable campaigns.

Blog#2: Search Engine Land, Watch & Journal

For regular updates, Search Engine Land, Watch and Journal would be the three best choices. All these three blogs feature adequate information covering almost all the latest PPC topics.

These websites also contain guest posts featuring expert opinions on various topics.


Search Engine Land is a blog that covers all aspects of the search marketing business. Besides informational blogs, it also features daily breaking news and industry trends, and Google AdWords announcements. It also features articles by SEM experts with practical tips, strategies, and tactics to run SEM campaigns successfully.

Search Engine Watch is a blog with the best and most relevant information related to PPC. The blog also covers a wide range of strategies starting from PPC, SEP and Google Analytics to content development, social media development, etc.

Search Engine Journal is a community that creates the latest search news, how to’s and guides for the community. The mission of this blog is to educate as well as empower the search engine marketing community with the latest breaking news on PPC, SEO, content marketing and social media.

Blog#3: AdWords PPC Expert

Google AdWords PPC Expert is another blog with a host of the latest information, news, views, reviews, and much more. In fact, the blog delivers practical information and hands-on experiences digital marketers in their day-to-day digital marketing process.

The blog also features advertising tips, marketing strategies, and the latest PPC tactics for different types of business like plumbing, law-related, dentistry, and consultant services.

You can also find the latest tips on effective social media marketing on Twitter and Facebook, Amazon PPC advertising, mistakes to avoid, etc.

Blog#4: WordStream

WordStream is a popular blog founded by Larry Kim. The blog aims to help online marketers to enhance the performance of paid search, drive more traffic, have more leads, and ensure low-cost sales. It also provides services and software for assistance.

WordStream is widely followed online as it covers an array of topics such as Search Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and others.

The blog also facilitates to provide information related to effective PPC marketing strategies by sharing proven techniques and best practices.

Their blog posts are not only information but also involve media that helps readers learn. They feature infographics, webinars, videos, and whitepapers too.

Moreover, WordStream is passionate about their job and their expertise is in creating detailed and analytical blogs. You can find ample amount of industry-specific advice and practical tips on the blog, which would help beginners, intermediaries, as well as professionals.

Blog#5: PPC Hero

Hanapin Marketing’s PPC Hero is a leading blog in the search marketing community. They have created a separate blog from the management company, which is interesting.

The comprehensive blog provides all the sources that you need to develop Search Engine Marketing skills. Each blog is unique and speaks about various aspects prevailing in the space such as advanced bud management, reporting abilities, PPC scope, etc.

The team of fearless writers gives words to their thoughts. PPC Hero blog also hosts webinars from authorities in the community.

Furthermore, the blog also allows you to see the latest case studies, tricks, strategies, and other valuable insights on the best practices.

Final Word

PPC is highly flexible as well as dynamic. Updates keep pouring in every now and then. Hence, it is very important to stay abreast with these changes and look forward to successful PPC campaigns with Adwords PPC Expert.


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