Tips On How to Target Remarketing Audiences for More Leads
Remarketing is an important part of the sales cycle. It helps you in nurturing the existing leads and targeting the new leads again for better conversions.
Studies show that a marketer needs to make at least 6 to 8 touch points before converting a lead into a customer.
So, unless you have a complete monopoly in a particular market segment, you need to target your prospects with multiple touch points using remarketing techniques.
The strategy for marketing and sales depends on the type and availability of the product/service that you are trying to sell.
There is no fixed strategy that will get you guaranteed success. In fact, you need to experiment regularly to find the best strategy that fits your business model.
Here are a few tips that you can use to design your own remarking strategy to generate more and more leads for the business.
Run Remarketing Campaigns on Google and Facebook
Focus on remarketing your product/service on multiple platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
These platforms are extremely powerful and can help you strategically filter the target audience effectively.
By broadening the scope of remarketing on multiple platforms you can easily diversify your investment portfolio and minimize the risks.
A recent study conducted over 2,000 internet users in the U.S. shows that nearly 75% of the consumers notice the remarketed ads.
Create an Ideal Customer Profile and Target Everyone
Research shows that the younger generation (between 25 to 34-year-old people) respond better to the remarketed ad campaigns.
Therefore, is important that you understand the needs and type of customers/prospects before launching the remarketing campaigns.
The creation of an ideal customer profile will help you look out for the best possible prospects for the campaign.
These prospects have a higher chance of conversion. Therefore, the remarketing campaign on them will require minimal effort for effective and quick conversion.
Up-Sell and Cross-Sell to the Existing Customer Base
The remarketing campaign works great in customer acquisition. However, most marketers use it to retain their existing customers.
They usually use the remarketing techniques to get more business out of the existing customer base.
The up-selling and cross-selling opportunities within your existing customer base can easily help you get more conversion with minimum efforts.
You might want to focus both on Facebook and Google ads since stats show that 54% of marketers believe in remarketing over social media platforms.
Design Your Ad Campaigns Strategically
The design of your ads plays a major role in the success/failure of the remarketing campaign. Studies show that ad design, fonts, colours, sizes, and various other factors affect the way in which your audience sees the ad.
The right designs will help you redirect more visitors to your website and attract the attention of the prospects quickly.
Make sure that you do not cram a lot of information into the remarketing campaigns.
The main purpose of the remarketing campaign is to bring the customers back to your website. So, keep the ads as attractive as possible without loading a lot of information into them.
Focus on Local SEO and Targeting Techniques
The local SEO and targeting techniques will help you boost your conversion rates further. Local targeting works best when you have a geographically challenged business.
If you operate in a very small area, it is better that you launch your remarketing campaigns for people in that area.
The local SEO techniques will help you take care of the audience who may be more inclined to purchase your service/product.
A recent study by Hubspot shows that 97% of people searching on Google were looking for a local business.
Set Achievable Milestones to Track the Progress
Goal setting process should be a critical part of your remarketing strategy. It helps you define specific milestones that you need to achieve to consider the overall campaign a success/failure.
You must use analytical tools like Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics to measure the results of the campaign.
Patience is the key to the success of a campaign. So, if a remarketing campaign does not yield the desired results within a few days, you might want to wait for a few weeks before they do.
However, make sure that you do not over invest your time and money in a campaign that is on the path to failure. This way, you will only lose more money as time goes by.
Remarketing can help you drive your conversion rates up significantly without driving up the costs.
Therefore, remarketing helps you get an excellent return on investment. It also helps you reduce the overall pressure of performance on the sales team thereby aiding them in closing faster.
Remarketing is a boon to both your marketing and sales teams if you do it in the right way.