Google Keyword Planner Guide 2019: Tips, Hacks and Strategies

Andrella 0

Google serves over half the world’s population. It serves 4.5 billion users across the globe.

Therefore, it provides an excellent reach to the marketers. The right Google Keyword Planner strategies can help you lead the search rankings on the search engine.

This is the perfect time for marketers to start investing their time and energy into developing a solid game plan for the masses.

A solid blueprint will help the top marketers streamline their marketing strategies and drive results within the first two quarters of the year.

Tips for Using the Google Keyword Planner

  • Scan Your Competitors Website

Your direct competitors may come up with brilliant content marketing strategies in their business model.

They might consistently beat you in terms of the organic reach. You should leverage this threat to your business as an opportunity to learn something new.

Several tools help you analyse the different aspects of the website in terms of content marketing.

When you scan your competitors’ websites, you will get at least a couple of great ideas for your content marketing strategy.

  • Focus on Keywords with Brand Names

You can leverage the marketing efforts of the biggest brands on the planet by simply using their names in conjunction with your keywords.

The keywords that have a brand name attached to them usually attract more attention.

Using the biggest brand names judiciously can give you the necessary boost especially when you are in the early stages of starting your business.

Moreover, Google authorities have emphasized on the use of high-quality content for better results.

You do not need to sell the branded products to use the name of the brand in your keywords.

Instead, smart content developers can use the names of the biggest brands in your content in a natural and intuitive manner without directly promoting the brand.

Google Keyword Planner Hacks

The following hacks will help you save time as well as money on the Google Keywords Planner tool.

  • Download Extensions to Find the Most Relevant Keywords on Different Websites

Keywords Everywhere is one of the best tools on the internet today that can help you find the most relevant keywords for your business vertical.

It can help you assess different websites, blogs, as well as, articles to find the density as well as the quality of keywords used in it.

You can download this tool as an add-on functionality to your existing browser.

You can also connect this add-on directly to the Google Keywords Planner to get valuable insights into the performance of particular keywords from a source.

  • Use Filters Judiciously on the Tool

You can customize the search features of the Google Keyword Planner to find the most relevant keywords for your business model.

Customization will help you drill down on a small set of powerful keywords at a low cost.

Use of the filters will also help you differentiate the keywords based on the geography, budget, as well as exclusions.

Use the exclude feature on the tool to eliminate the garbage and non-performing keywords from the search results within minutes.

Top Google Keyword Planner Strategies

  • Use the Keyword Ideas Section to Its Full Potential

Google Keyword Planner can help you search for original keywords and make recommendations based on your recent search too.

The ‘Keyword Ideas’ section on the tool produces the keywords that are extremely relevant to your business model.

You can use this section to search for and find out the keywords that have the potential to bring you more business in no time.

  • Generate and Use Long-Tail Keywords in Your Content

Several statistics show that the use and importance of the long-tail keywords are consistently increasing on all the different search engines.

The use of the relevant long-tail keywords in your content is a must for all the blog and website owners.

Long-tail keywords may look stuffed into the content if they are not used carefully.

Therefore, you need to pull a list out of the tool before developing the content and then curate content around these keywords.

The topic selection for these keywords plays a major role in the success of your content marketing campaign.

  • Post Informative Content

Several bloggers make the mistake of posting purely promotional content on their website.

Such promotional content works great, but only up to a certain extent. After a while, you need to focus on developing and posting informative content regularly.

The informative content will help you acquire new customers as well as retain the existing ones for a longer period.

Google Keyword Planner can help you grow your business with the right content marketing strategies.

Over 1 billion people use Google’s products. The Google Keyword Planner is one of the most versatile and functional tools for marketers today! If you are not sure how to use this tool correctly, consult a professional digital or content marketing agency to get the necessary help.

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