Google AdWords Experts Secrets – 12 Must-Follow Tips to Run a Successful Google Ads Campaign

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Have you just started to run a Google Ad Campaign?

Looking for ways to optimize your Google Ads campaign to get better ROI?

These Google ad campaign tips will help you to get the best results in no time.


Proven Tips that Google Ads Experts Use To Run a Successful Google Ad Campaign


1. Optimize For Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are the terms, which you do not want the ad to appear in search engines.

Most of the AdWords expert try to develop a negative keywords list that includes terms like “free”, “download”, etc.

These search terms indicate that the user is trying to search for the free version of your product or service.

These terms do not generate any revenue for your ad campaigns.

If you do not optimize your campaign for negative keywords, the chances of your PPC budget being spent on the wrong keywords are high.

By optimizing the ad campaigns for the negative keywords, you can cut down the unnecessary costs and improve the ROI of the campaign.

If you do not have a clear understanding of how to identify negative keywords for your campaigns, you can try taking help from Google AdWords services provider.

All you need to do is to search for “Google Adwords consultant near me” and you will get a lot of options to choose from.


2. Remove Duplicate Keywords


If you are running a Google AdWords PPC campaign, it is always suggested to look for duplicate keywords in your campaign.

Failing to remove the duplicate keywords from the campaign can lead to bidding errors.

If you want to run a successful campaign without having any data error, it is suggested to hire a Google AdWords expert as he or she can make your data tracking easier and also guide the rest of the campaign.


3. Bid on Competitor Names


AdWords helps you to bid on the names of your competitor.

This helps you to reach out to the customers of your potential competitor and remind them of your product or service worth before they make a purchase.

If you do not have an idea of how you can make the most out of it by bidding on your competitor’s names, you can hire a PPC expert who can do that for you.

They help you to prioritize the set of keywords in running such campaigns.


4. Monitor quality scores of keywords


If you hire an AdWords expert to run your ad campaigns, they can help you with tracking the quality scores on the account level.

Monitoring the quality scores of ad campaigns can help you identify the issues in your ad copy or landing pages and revise them accordingly.

In case you are unable to design a good ad copy for your campaign, you can take the help of any certified AdWords consultant.

This helps you invest your money in the right place.

google adwords ppc

5. Size of Your Ad Groups


A Google AdWords PPC expert always keeps an eye on the ad groups, as they start scaling up. They try to split the larger ad groups into smaller sets for better performance of the campaigns. Doing so helps to design personalized ad copy that in turn increases the quality score of the content.


6. Monitor the Converting Search Terms


A Google PPC expert always looks at the ad campaigns from a different perspective.

He always keeps track of the search terms, which bring in more sales and try to optimize the campaign accordingly.

Most of the time, new keywords pop up for the broad match keywords, and people end up engaging with the site. A Google AdWords specialist always adds such kinds of new keywords to the campaigns.


7. Remove Ads that do not meet the Expectations


It is always necessary to have tight control over the ad groups while running a campaign.

No one loves to drain his or her budget on keywords that do not add value in generating revenue. Same is the case with AdWords PPC experts.

They try to remove the ads that do not add any value in terms of ROI.

They constantly monitor the CTR of the ads and the conversion rate before removing them from the ad campaign.


8. Use AdWords Where Organic Fails


A best PPC services firm will try to use the help of AdWords for ranking the high-pressure terms, as they are already aware of the fact that organic results take time.

Running AdWords campaigns for such important search terms will help to draw more traffic, clicks, and conversions in a short span.

This will also help to understand how people are interacting with the landing page that helps you improve user engagement.

You can try taking the help of AdWords services providers who can help you in prioritizing the potential keywords, which are tough to rank organically, but can be utilized in the Ad campaigns.


9. Landing Page Should Align Well With Your Ad


Any expert Google AdWords consultant first takes care of the landing page design as it plays a crucial role in the conversion of the product or service.

If the landing page does not answer the needs of the user, then the product conversion will be poor.

On the other hand, if the landing page answers the client’s needs, then there are high chances of conversion and low wastage of money on the campaign.

If you do not have any experience in designing the landing pages, then it is suggested to hire any freelance AdWords consultant who can do it at an affordable price.


10. Identify Right Keyword Match for the Campaigns


There are different types of keyword matches in Google Ad campaigns.
The first one is broad match keywords which means your targeted keyword phrases can appear in any order and also for the synonyms as well.

For example, the “best coffee maker” keyword will also show up for “best coffee maker guide”.

When setting up your campaign for a broad match keyword, you must be aware of the negative keywords as well.

Else, you will be spending your money on the wrong set of keywords and wasting your PPC budget.

The second type of keyword match is the “Phrase Match”.

This means your ad appears only for the phrases that exactly match with the one you have listed in the campaign.

The third type of keyword is the “Exact Match”.

This means your ad appears only for the exact search terms given in your campaign.

If you have just started to run an Ad campaign and do not wish to lose money, then it is better to consult an experienced AdWords PPC consultant.

They will help you to identify the right keyword match for your campaigns and save your PPC budget.


11. Make Adjustments to Keyword Match


Once the data starts coming in from the campaigns, it is necessary to make adjustments to the keyword match.

Keyword match optimization must start from the broad match keywords, which helps you to gain more insights about the campaign.

A best AdWords consultant ensures that he has tighter control over the ad campaigns in terms of ad copy, landing page, as well as the keyword match.

In order to optimize the keyword match, you need to have a clear understanding of how people are searching for your ads and what is the impact of it on your campaign?


12. Use All Possible Ad Extensions


It is important to test out all possible ad campaign extensions like site links, callout, and structured snippets.

One does not know which type of ad campaign brings in more profits.

So, it is important to test out all possible ad campaigns.

If you do not have experience in running other types of ad extensions, you can try hiring a Google ads consultant who can do that for you.

Moreover, he can suggest the best measures to run successful ad campaigns on other extensions, based on his experience.




If you are looking to make most out of your Google Ad Campaign but have no experience?

Then we recommend you to hire a Google AdWords expert in India who can help you optimize your campaigns and bring in better ROI.


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