Google Ads Launching Ad Strength Indicator & Reporting
Google had released the responsive ad option earlier in this year and that provided new ways for the businesses to avail various ad options that run across different platforms.
The feature is nothing short of amazing but there was one major problem faced by the businesses:
the lack of reporting which made it hard to come up with efficient plans for the marketing campaigns.
To assist user in making better use of the ads, Google has come up with reporting features lately, along with the feature of ad strength metrics.
The new reporting and ad strength features can aid the businesses in taking advantage of the Responsive ads to add more fuel to a Adwords marketing campaign.
Knowing the Basics of Google Responsive Ads
The AdWords resources of Google allow two important types of adverts: the display network and the search network.
The focus of the search network remains on the text adverts in the results of the search engines and for display network, the focus is on the banner adverts that come across different sites in advertisement networks of Google.
The responsive ads are the latest add-on to the display network of Google which earlier relied on options like text ads.
In the past Adwords campaigns, Google offered a rich text advert through getting the image from a client’s site.
However, such images did not always make an effective or accurate advert.
Responsive Ads now let the businesses deal with this problem by supplying available logos, images, and text to make a highly personalized and efficient branding involvement.
The ads that you get now also have more space for content which is one of the many things that is the digital marketers love about this tool from Google.
To make the responsive ad, you can include logo choices, images, company name, description, and headline.
Then, Google takes the options and shows the right combinations that will fit a website and the device on which it is displayed.
The multiple options ensure that one responsive ad has farther reach and an attractive display than the earlier text advertisement options.
The Latest Features of Google’s Responsive Ad
In spite of having huge potential for creating powerful ad campaigns, the responsive ads continue to be in the beta form.
This means that it still lacks some of the features that Google wants and the businesses need.
One issue that many have stated is the absence of ways of determining the success of a PPC advertisement campaign and its relevant combinations- a vital piece of information for a business optimizing the advertising campaigns.
Ad Strength Indicator
One of the most talked about latest feature of the responsive ads is ad strength metrics.
As the new advert format, knowing the strength of the ads that you build before launching them is a crucial indication of the chances of being successful.
The new feature of ad strength metric offers you a visual depiction of how well your ad follow the recommended practices of Google. Some of the elements that have been brought to light are:
- Number and variety of the headlines
- Innovation of the description
The ad strength does not necessarily focus on the small changes like variations in the words and instead puts the focus on providing feedback on the significant changes in the descriptions and headlines to make sure it reaches the target audience in a much more effective manner.
The indicators makes a total score of ad settings with the range going between ‘excellent’ and ‘poor’ to provide businesses with an idea about the potency of those ads that are put up.
Additionally, you also get functional feedback from the metric saying things like ‘make the headlines unique.’
It also offers the option of viewing ideas and thus, assists the ad developers even with not much of an experience to begin making the necessary changes to improve the ad.
There is also the feature of pop-up notes for the best practices to assist the marketers incorporate important facts while building the ads.
For instance, one note you will see is to ensure that search groups have at least three ads along with using the optimized as rotation settings.
The Ad strength metric should come as a column in the Google Ads and as one of the features in the creation view of the responsive ads.
However, the changes are yet to roll out and according to Google, you will have to wait till September to see these changes.
Ads Reporting In Responsive Search
One of the important features of the responsive ads creation is that it lets you make a combination out of all the display choices to assist the businesses in making the highly efficient Google marketing campaigns.
However, the lack of any reports or data analysis on the ads makes it difficult to calculate exactly how well your efforts are bearing fruit.
The reporting feature of Google Ads is aimed at dealing with and solving this issue.
When you are filtering the type of ads in the Extensions menu, it is now enabled to show you the statistics for varied aspects of ads, like description lines and headlines.
While the data sets like these let you get significant insights, one of the best features undoubtedly is that of getting the statistics for the varied element combinations available.
Think of a situation where you are stuck with a headline that does not seem effective enough.
Fret not, as even descriptions or headline wrongly put can become successful when you pair it up with the right logo or image.
The responsive ad feature has data that shows you the combination of all the elements that are the most efficient over a certain period of time, and those combinations that just do not work.
Keeping this in mind, the businesses can select which of the combinations to use and the ones that must be kept out of equation.
There is no reason to think that the traditional a/b testing is dead. But for many marketers, the reporting features provide an alternative to the usual a/b testing processes.
While getting more in-depth control over the combinations of advertising elements that do not work well with the optimization choices of the responsive ads,
it is still a good way for the businesses to start off with a stable baseline for the Pay per Click ad campaigns and begin to pull in greater amount of data, specifically Google goes on for updating and developing beta files into a full on marketing features.
However, having said all that, it will need more improvements to completely replace those a/b testing methods and there is still time for that.
Preview of the Ad Combinations
One more of the recent additions to the responsive ad building is the feature known as preview.
Preview lets the marketers to view what the combination of images, logos, taglines, and headlines as put up by him will look like.
Viewing the different stages can let you adjust any element of the adverts if that does not display too well with combinations like wrong text and image combinations.
To be honest, the reporting features does need some improvements but hopefully the improvements will come with time after all the features are completely unveiled to the advertisers of the world.
Till that time, at least you can use the ad strength indicator to make sure that the ads work as hard as possible.
Speaking theoretically, if the description lines and headlines are innovative, it leads to an improvement in your relevance and that improves the Click through Rate, which in turn affects the performance, quality score, cost per click, and so on.
The Option of Rotating Ads Indefinitely
If you get an improvement in the reporting features, chances are that you could see the end of the option of rotating ads indefinitely.
The marketers like to stay in control over ad tests and that is the sole reason for the option of rotation to exist.
It seemed fair to split up the test ad copy because Google will keep on placing ads from the group all through the day.
The advent of responsive ads is like staying midway between having control but not enough of it.
The lack of transparency in machine learning and automation in something that brings Responsive ads under scrutiny of the advertisers.
The advertisers and their need to have more control would not want the feature of not optimizing to be removed from the settings.
As more and more Responsive ad features are rolled out by Google, businesses get more tools to use and create effective Google ad campaigns.
The varied options provided in adverts are expected to powerful elements in Pay per Click campaigns and effective marketing as now the marketers have more than one way of analyzing and developing the ad experiences.