6 Latest Google Ads (AdWords) Updates for You

Andrella 0

Google has an extremely customer-centric business model that allows it to push updates for its customers more frequently.

Google pushes these updates across all its tools and adds a host of new features to its list regularly.

Lately, Google has made multiple changes in its Google Ads platform. These frequent updates help Google Ads convert 50% better than organic traffic.

 Here are the top 6 changes that we have seen in the Ads platform in the last few months.

  1. Google AdWords is Now Known as Google Ads

Google AdWords has now got a new name. It is no longer known as Google AdWords. Instead, Google has renamed it to Google Ads.

This subtle change is a hint towards the fact that Google Ads is a much more powerful and versatile tool than ever before.

It has extensive support for more than just the AdWords platform.

With the other updates on this list, you will find that the integration of multiple vital tools has enabled the average consumer to use multiple Google products seamlessly on a single platform.

This seamless integration will help the users make use of multiple tools in a much more productive fashion.

  1. A Tonne of New Features in the AdWords Editor

The AdWords Editor tool is undoubtedly one of the primary tools for all the marketers in the industry.

It is a free tool that allows marketers to manage multiple AdWords accounts in a seamless fashion.

Now, you can make changes to your AdWords accounts without using a browser. You can essentially make the changes in an offline mode.

Google will automatically sync the changes through the application once your device restores the connection with the internet.

This tool also supports bulk editing now. Therefore, you can easily make changes to multiple accounts with a single click.

Want a specific tool/feature on all your AdWords accounts? Now, you can make the necessary changes within minutes.

  1. Recommended Columns are Now a Part of Google Ads

Google feels like an extremely intuitive and easy-to-use tool because of its predictive analytics.

The efficient use of data allows the search engine to recommend the most appropriate topics to its audience.

Now, one of the favorite features of the audience “People Also Look For” is available on paid search results.

Statistics show that 90% of the internet users still see Google display ads in their search results.

This new feature will help the marketer expand his/her reach on the platform since his posts will appear on other searches as well.

The only pre-requisite to use this feature to its full extent is that you need to develop extremely high-quality content.

When you develop truly useful content for your audience, it will appear on people’s recommended feed more often.

  1. Google Sheets Can Now be Used as an Add-On

Report formation is a key part of a marketer’s job. The right reports can help an individual track his/her progress with a campaign.

They can also help the marketer make the necessary changes in the campaign according to the data.

By analyzing the data collected on the sheet, an individual can easily optimize the campaign to perform better.

The sheets can help you track the data pertaining to the ROI, conversions, traffic, etc.

You can integrate both Google Docs as well as Google Sheets with the new and improved Google Ads to generate useful reports within minutes.

  1. Google Keep is Now Integrated to Ads

The Google Notes app, also known as Google Keep can now be integrated into the Ads platform too.

This application can help a marketer make relevant notes about a marketing and sales campaign to keep a track on its progress.

The Google Keep application is accessible through multiple devices. You can download it on your phone, tablet, laptop, etc.

to keep a track of all your notes wherever you go. You can tag notes to various sections of a graph or a report to help it make more sense.

These notes will help multiple users pass useful chits of information to each other in a seamless fashion.

  1. Google Ads Now Supports Responsive Search Ads

Lastly, the biggest update on the Google Ads platform is its responsive search ads.

Google uses its proprietary machine learning algorithms to track the user’s search queries and present more relevant content to him/her in an effective manner.

The developers believe that this new update can increase the click-through rate of the campaigns by up to 15%.

Understanding the technical nuances of these updates will help you make the most of them.

On average, businesses get about a 200% return on investment from Google Ads.  Therefore, you can leverage the expertise of a professional web developer to utilize the new features to their full potential.

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