6 Best Online Advertising Strategies
Are you finding it tough to decide which advertising strategy to opt for? Here we list down the 6 best online advertising strategies that can boost your business in the coming time.
With a global pandemic and the internet boom, customers are rigorously shifting to online platforms. Businesses need adequate online advertising strategies to bring more and more customers to their doorsteps.
This list includes both free and paid advertising strategies, offering you flexibility according to your needs.
1. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is perhaps the best way to advertise your products and services organically on the internet. It can be used to rank your website on Google without having to pay a single dime.
Google algorithms scan through your content to check its structure and the presence of adequate primary and secondary keywords.
The entire SEO technique can be very technical, and although it is free, if you do choose this, you will need experts who are adept in this field.
SEO provides long-term benefits and hence ensures consistent traffic to your website.
There is lots of competition to be amongst the top in search engines, but a place there through SEO will ensure a reach like no other.
Owing to its organic approach, it may fail to yield immediate results, and therefore it brings with it a particular gestation period.
2. Google Ads
Google is the biggest search engine, and millions of users avail its services day in and day out. Advertising online with Google Ads will bear quick results, unlike SEO.
Google Ads, previously known as Google Adwords, is an advertising tool that businesses can use to bring more attention to their products or websites.
One major benefit of advertising with Google Adwords is that it will provide you advertisements in the search engine results and various mobile apps, videos, and websites that do not require searches.
Although it is a paid form of advertising, it is highly popular, which bears testimony to its effectiveness. According to Google, a business advertising with Google Ads can generate 2 USD worth of revenue for every 1 USD spent on the platform.
3. PPC – Pay Per Click
The PPC or Pay, Per Click model of advertising is well-sought after in today’s online age.
It is a very cost-effective advertising strategy as it charges the business availing its services only when there are clicks on the businesses’ ads. The use of PPC requires clarity of mind because of its varied uses.
It can be used to launch a new product, grow a business, or generate quick sales within a short period of time.
If used effectively through various PPC advertising experts‘ help, this advertising strategy can efficiently place your business in front of the right audience.
There are 2 types of PPC advertising modules, mainly Automatic and Manual. The Automatic PPC module demands the use of online PPC advertising experts such as Amazon and Google.
The bulk of the work, in this case, is done by the PPC advertising experts and you only have to signify the start and end dates along with your budget.
The Manual PPC module enables you to provide first-hand keywords with custom target audiences and is cheaper than the Automatic module.
4. Affiliate Marketing
This advertising strategy focuses on using affiliate marketers who are semi-professionals targeting a particular audience, generally the people in their community.
This strategy will help you pertain to a relatively smaller target audience’s specific needs, which might go unnoticed in the flagship advertising campaigns.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the best methods for smaller businesses to establish themselves and for larger corporations to further their reach.
This advertising strategy’s linchpin is to utilize the large customer base in social media platforms like Whatsapp and Facebook.
Affiliate Marketing gives businesses the facility to pay as per the performance of the affiliate marketers thereby negating any prior commitments with regards to payments.
5. Amazon Advertising Services
Amazon is the biggest online-retail platform with loads of customers. Hence, benefitting from Amazon advertising services may not be a bad idea.
Amazon works on the PPC model of advertising and offers its users a place on its search results.
There are many different types of Amazon advertising services online. Some of them include Sponsored Products, Video Ads, Audio Ads, Custom Advertising, and others.
With the use of the Automatic PPC Model, you can expect quick results with minimum efforts. This advertising strategy can help you to increase your customer base, increase brand awareness and loyalty along with effective sales generation.
6. Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is yet another Free advertising strategy that can help your business grow multifold.
Although you can use paid advertising services of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, a good marketing campaign can be put to effect at no cost whatsoever.
There is hardly anyone in today’s age who isn’t using a social media platform, and the key to excellence in social media advertising is picking the right platforms that suit your business model.
For example, if you offer B2B services, LinkedIn is the place to be, whereas if you provide B2C services, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Youtube will be adequate.
If your target audience is elderly, Facebook will do you good, and Instagram and Snapchat will be your arena for the youth. Social media advertising provides first-hand feedback from customers and thereby increases brand loyalty.
The 6 strategies mentioned above are the best 6 online advertising strategies. Apart from them, there are other advertising strategies too that your business can benefit from like PPM and EMail marketing.
PPM advertising strategy is on the lines of the PPC model. Unlike PPC, where you are charged on a per-click basis, PPM charges you per-thousand impressions on your website.
In the E-Mail advertising strategy, you send personalized emails to prospective customers, which facilitates low prices.